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science updateFriday 1 December 2000


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The latest research reported by Nature's science writing team. Now updated daily at midnight GMT.

today's news:

phenomena: Butterfly voters confused
New research supports the argument that the presidential ballot paper used in Palm Beach County was confusing.

biotechnology: Old Tat teaches drug smugglers new tricks
Drug designers have learned a lesson from viruses. Philip Ball investigates.


this week:

Thursday 30 November 2000

medicine: Ebola vaccine hope
The first vaccine to protect primates from Ebola virus offers hope for a human version, Valerie Depraetere reports.

physics: Buckyball superconductors hot up
The carbon football could become the hottest of superconductors, reports Philip Ball.

biotechnology: Bugs for toxic clean-up
Paint, polish and glue make tasty snacks for new bacteria.

Wednesday 29 November 2000

space: Stars run away for two reasons
A new study finds that two old theories of why stars hurtle through the heavens are both right.

earth: New ways to predict quakes?
Earthquake prediction has the reputation of a black art. Philip Ball looks at three new studies that are trying to make it a science.

Tuesday 28 November 2000

chemistry: Evolution throws up new drugs
Chemistry is aping biology in the search for new antibiotics.

Monday 27 November 2000

physics: End not nigh
Fears that the end of the world might be hatched in a particle accelerator are unwarranted, explains Philip Ball.

brain: Brain goes on the blink
There is more to a blink than meets the eye, Jessa Netting finds.


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