Minimal Model of Prey Localization through the Lateral-Line System Jan-Moritz P. Franosch, Marion C. Sobotka, Andreas Elepfandt, and J. Leo van Hemmen Physik Department der TU München & Institut für Biologie, Humboldt Universität The clawed frog Xenopus is a fully aquatic predator catching prey at night by detecting water movements originating from its prey. To this end Xenopus uses its lateral-line system, a mechanoreceptive system found in aquatic amphibians and fish and analyzing water movements along the animal's body. It comprises, dependent on the species, hundreds to several thousand small lateral-line organs dispersed over the trunk. Xenopus laevis laevis has about 180 of them, positioned along several lines at both sides of the body, around the eyes, and at a few other locations of head and neck. A lateral-line organ of Xenopus contains 4-8 small cupulae, gelatinous flags protruding into the water and deflected by local water flow. The deflection stimulates sensory hair cells at the base of the cupulae and in this way generates spikes in the lateral-line nerves, phase-locked to the water velocity. Xenopus' eyes are not adapted to seeing in water and the animal's lateral-line system has become the central sensory organ for spatial orientation. When an insect drops onto the water surface it generates a wave passing along Xenopus and stimulating the lateral-line organs. As its natural behavior, the frog will then turn towards the wave's origin, its prey. Not only does the lateral-line system allow Xenopus to determine the direction of a single impinging wave but also to resolve the directions of two simultaneous waves of different frequency that overlap at the animal, and even to discern wave sources as "food" and "non-food". Because each lateral-line organ responds to waves from any direction, localization requires a comparison of inputs from several lateral-line organs. Since, however, each lateral-line organ only encodes the local superposition pattern of the waves at the body surface, the pattern-segmentation ability of Xenopus requires both a comparison of the encoded superposition patterns stemming from several organs and a decomposition of the patterns into their original components. We present a general method, a `minimal model' based on a minimum-variance estimator, to explain prey detection through the frog's many lateral-line organs. The model is robust in the sense that, even if several lateral-line organs are defunct, it still matches experimental data. We show how waveform reconstruction allows Xenopus to determine both direction and character of the prey and even to distinguish two simultaneous wave sources. A simple neuronal algorithm with realistic firing rates, number of synapses, and time constants of postsynaptic potentials suffices to perform localization and pattern segmentation through waveform reconstruction. As the model is universal, we expect its results to be applicable to many aquatic amphibians, fish, and reptiles with a large number of local stimulus detectors, such as crocodilians, which have recently been found to take advantage of about 2000 dome pressure receptors at the surface of their face.